About Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare



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Application: Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Aimbot Download Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Aimbot v5.0
Version: 5.0
OS: Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4
Language: English (US)
File Size: 3.2 MB

We have released version 5.0 of our Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Aimbot. A Multihack is also included. So here is what you get. Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Aimbot and Multihack includes aimbot, wallhack, multihack, unlimited ammo, fly mode etc. We must not pronounce that you are completly safe using Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Aimbot because of the huge proxy network and the anti-ban scripts. So everything you do is completly safe. Nothing can happen to you. Now what are you waiting for? Go to the download section of this site and get your version of Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Aimbot Now!

Features of Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Aimbot & Multihack

The features of the Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Aimbot and Multihack are listed below.

Unlock Hack Rank Hack ESP Settings
* All Characters
* All Load outs
* Emblems & Gear
* Unlock & Use Any Perks
* Prestige Anytime
* Have Any Rank
* Add Squad Points
* Adjustable colors
* Displays Players Name, Distane, Pose and Weapon
* Bounding boxes with visible lines to enemies location
* 3D Boxes w/ skeletal view
* Locate Dogs
* See Dropped Weapons and Explosives
* Alerts when opponests or Explosives are nearby
* View where enemies are aiming
* 2D Radar
* Adjustable Enemy, Team and Weapon Colors
* Set the fade of the radar & stats
* Four slots to save settings
* Ability to move menu
* Menu fully mouse controlled

Aimbot Removable BONUS
* Autobot with AimThru and AimAt
* Knifebot auto-kill with knife within proximity of emeny
* Autoprone will put you in prone when fired at
* AutoSwitch bot goes to next enemy on auto
* Autoshoot fires for you
* AutoWall fires when a bullet can go through the wall
* AutoZoom makes the gun zoom when aimed
* Field Of View adjust the aimbot to see 360
* Human Aim, makes you look like your not cheating
* Aim Speed can be set to slow or fast
* Ping Correction aimbot works better during low ping
* Friendly Aim let’s the bot aim at your team
* BoneScan to locate visible body part
* AimKey hold down to lock on to the enemy
* Visibility Check only locks on when player can be hit
* No Recoil, gun does not move up when firing
* No Spread, all bullets hit dead center
* ZoomHack
* Chat Spam
* 4 Fonts
* Smiley Face / HeadDot
* PlayerHud, have your own hack HUD
* Draw Stats, shows your kills and more
* Chat Spam, spam in the game
* Draw Fps, show your frame rates
* Draw Time, watch your current time
* Crosshair, places a perm crosshair on screen

Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Story

In 2054, United States Marine Corps Privates and best friends Jack Mitchell (Troy Baker) and Will Irons (Paul Telfer) participate in a battle against North Koreans in Seoul, under the command of Sergeant Cormack (Russell Richardson). Will is killed in action after protecting Mitchell, who has his left arm severed and is forced to be discharged from military service. After attending Will's funeral, Mitchell is offered a position in Atlas Corporation, the world's most powerful private military contractor, by CEO Jonathan Irons (Kevin Spacey), Will's father, and is also given an advanced prosthetic arm to replace his lost one.

Meanwhile, a terrorist group named the KVA, led by a technophobic man named Joseph "Hades" Chkheidze (Sharif Ibrahim), begins staging numerous terrorist attacks, with the world turning to Atlas to stop them. Mitchell, along with Gideon (Gideon Emery), Joker (Jeremy Kent Jackson) and other Atlas soldiers rescue the Nigerian prime minister and capture a KVA technologist in Lagos, Nigeria during a technology summit. However, by 2055, the KVA's attacks have become more sophisticated and Mitchell and his team fail to prevent the KVA from forcing a nuclear reactor meltdown on Bainbridge Island, Washington. The KVA launch simultaneous attacks against nuclear power plants worldwide, irradiating numerous cities, killing thousands of people and putting national governments and militaries in turmoil. Atlas emerges as the dominant military force in the world by aiding civilians affected by the attacks and holding back the KVA's rampage.

Four years later in 2059, Mitchell and Gideon search an abandoned downtown Detroit, Michigan to find Dr. Pierre Danois (Erik Passoja), the KVA's second-in-command. During the mission, Mitchell and Gideon are ambushed, but saved by a mysterious group of soldiers. After Ilona (Angela Gots), an ex-Spetsnaz Atlas operative, interrogates the doctor, the team tracks Hades to Santorini, Greece, where KVA leaders are holding a conference. Mitchell corners Hades and fatally wounds him, but with his last breath, Hades utters "Irons knows," and gives Mitchell a data chip.

The Aimbot typically contains:

  •     Auto-aim - fully configurable with FOV, prediction, stealth, auto-fire etc.
  •     Silent Aim - you don't even need to aim at someone to hit them!
  •     Anti-Death - prevents you from dying by respawning you when injured!
  •     ESP - Boxes around players, names above players, distance and grenade indicators
  •     Wallhack - draws players through walls so you know where they are
  •     Chams - makes players different colours when visible and hidden
  •     No Recoil - stops your gun from moving when you fire
  •     Anti-Shellshock - disable flashbangs and stun grenades
  •     Custom Crosshair - always have a crosshair
  •     Superzoom - zoom in with any weapon
  •     Hack menu - configure the hack in game with key control

Ilona analyzes the chip, which shows Irons killing the technologist they captured in Nigeria after learning of the KVA global attack, proving that he deliberately allowed the attacks to occur to improve Atlas' reputation and power. Irons attempts to have Mitchell and Ilona arrested, but they escape Atlas' headquarters in the rebuilt New Baghdad, guided by a mysterious soldier, while Gideon stays by Irons' side for further investigation. The mysterious soldier reveals himself to be Mitchell's old squad leader, Cormack, who is now a member of the Sentinel Task Force, an international effort initially created to investigate the KVA power plant attacks, but now repurposed to prevent Atlas' rise to power.

In 2060, Mitchell, now a Sentinel, joins Cormack, Ilona, and Knox (Khary Payton) to infiltrate Irons' private residence in Bangkok. The team discovers that Dr. Danois (now working under the alias Bellamy) is collaborating with Irons on "Manticore", a bio-weapon. They set up a tracker on a plane carrying the bio-weapon bound for Argentina. Sentinel later intercepts the plane, which crashes in Antarctica, where Gideon appears and helps the Sentinels defeat the Atlas soldiers. The team successfully retrieves the WMD and a sample. After analyzing it, they discover that Manticore is a bio-weapon designed to attack the DNA of individuals and kill them. The only exceptions are any members of Atlas. The Sentinels, now joined by Gideon, infiltrate and destroy an Atlas bio-weapons laboratory in Bulgaria, eliminating many of the Manticore samples.

With his plot revealed, Irons releases his ultimatum to remove all politicians, whom he thinks are the problem of the world, at the United Nations General Assembly and declares war on the world. The Sentinels discover that Irons is planning a preemptive strike on the United States and try to stop an Atlas attack on the country in San Francisco, California. Atlas destroys the Golden Gate Bridge, trapping the U.S. 3rd fleet in the Bay Area, and attempts to destroy the fleet in a single strike. The Sentinels use a railgun aboard an aircraft carrier to destroy the attacking Atlas ships. With the ultimatum and the attack on U.S. soil, the United States, along with the rest of the world, declares war on Atlas, forcing Irons to retreat to his headquarters in New Baghdad.

The Wallhack & Chams typically contains:

  •     ESP - Names above players and grenade indicators
  •     Wallhack - draws players through walls so you know where they are
  •     Chams - makes players different colours when visible and hidden
  •     No Recoil - stops your gun from moving when you fire
  •     Anti-Shellshock - disable flashbangs and stun grenades
  •     Custom Crosshair - always have a crosshair
  •     Superzoom - zoom in with any weapon
  •     Hack menu - configure the hack in game with key control

Seven months later, the Sentinels and the United States Army attack New Baghdad to bring Irons to justice. However, Atlas releases Manticore, killing Knox and most of the attacking troops. Mitchell, Ilona, and Gideon, whose DNA are recognized by Manticore as former Atlas soldiers, are spared, as well as Cormack, who was outside the blast radius. Cormack, Ilona, Mitchell and Gideon are captured and brought to an Atlas prison camp, which also runs Manticore experiments on its inmates. The Sentinels escape, but Irons kills Cormack and severely damages Mitchell's prosthetic arm. As they escape the facility, they discover that Irons already has enough Manticore to attack every military base in the world and will be launching an ICBM loaded with the bio-weapon shortly.

Mitchell and Gideon launch a lone assault on the Atlas HQ while using heavily armored battlesuits and manage to destroy the ICBM. They find Irons as the other Sentinels prepare to bombard the building, but Irons disables their exoskeletons. Mitchell, forced to release the exoskeleton to chase Irons, tackles Irons at the edge of the building. Irons hangs onto Mitchell's prosthetic arm, but Mitchell severs his prosthetic, sending Irons falling to his death. As Gideon arrives to carry him out of the building, Mitchell notes that Irons' death was only the beginning and the war against Atlas is far from over.

Advanced Warfare Cheats, Anti-Cheats and the Morals of it all

As mentioned before the most popular methods that will be employed in Advanced Warfare when it comes to getting around the rules will be scripts to increase awareness aka “wallhacks” and aimbots that will allow you to not only aim at enemies automatically, but also shoot them. These cheats have literally been around for as long as shooters have been played online and they still prove to be effective in next-gen video games. Now while these will certainly still work, the anti-cheating methods employed by major game developers in the last years have become more and more sophisticated with the introduction of statistics analysis and behavior analysis as a method of finding and banning cheaters. While you might think that cheating websites, such as HackerBot would be against the use of such methods, we actually condone it. Here on HackerBot.net we believe in “White Hat Game Hacking”, which is the use of cheats in online games not primarily to our own benefit, but to the benefit of others. While a lot of cheaters may get a kick out of dominating others and ruining their fun, we have found enjoyment in protecting new players, helping them to have fun and using our “skills” for more than just cheap PWN satisfaction. We love games, including the Call of Duty Series, and while we do like to cheat, we aim to do it in a manner that does not annoy other players. – For that exact reason we condone any and all software that will help to ban those cheaters that are using scripts to annoy others, ruin their fun and just simply are being d*cks. – We wish that they all get banned and left of torture their teddy bears instead.

Auto Aiming Software in Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare

Auto Aiming Software aka “aimbots” do and are exactly what you would expect when hearing the name: Its software that automatically aims at enemies and shoots them (triggerbot) for you. This is without any doubt the most powerful and  most easily detectable  cheat in AW. Sadly it is also the one that can potentially be abused the most: There are some in the community that would buy a hack and just jump into any old game and just hold down that aimbot-key and annoy a whole lot of people. Not only is that behavior socially despicable, it also robs the abuser of any fun and sense of achievement, after all there is really no skill in holding down a button, now is there. Thanks god, these people can be manually reported and usually get banned from the game pretty quickly. – We urge our members to report any and all cheaters, even if they are your friends, if they are being antisocial little babies using aimbots to PWN and insult others.

So when is it morally OK time to Use an Aimbot them?

Ever been in the situation where your n00b team is up against a team with 10 max prestige clan players and just gets mercilessly stomped and spawn camped? – Yes, you get that often? – Me too, and that is the perfect time to bring out the aimbot and kill some of those spawn camping, team switching wannabe-pros and even the playing field a little. While this is still morally questionable, one can argue that spawn-camping, team switching  and contributing to uneven teams in general is just as harmful as people stomping games using auto-aiming software. There are many unfair situations in video games: People going afk in team games, spawn camping, antisocial hackers, verbal abuse and so on. There are so many creative ways to use cheats for Good: Go hunt down the enemy hacker that annoys everyone, go kill the guy that calls everyone a n00b or is being racist, protect the n00b and so on.

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Download Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Aimbot